How it works The Axia Synergy chair is unique. It is a synthesis of ergonomics, biomechanics and design which must come together to suit all shapes and sizes. Since its introduction, it has developed and evolved into a comprehensive range to suit all applications. ARMREST HEIGHT Axia armrests are unique, in that they remain static when the chair is dynamic. In this way, the lower arms receive optimum support in any posture. The armrests can be moved in any direction, including being angled inwards. BACK REST HEIGHT DYNAMIC SeatING Thanks to the unique Seat, the height of the Axia is always correct; whether sitting either actively or passively. The user can set the Seat at a certain angle. Even with a lot of movement, lower back support is optimal. The pivot of the Seat back is precisely under the ischium, or sitting bones. The main advantage of this is that the Seat back does not move in relation to the back, when adjusting the chair. The Seat back can also be adjusted in height to give the right support in the right place. Seat DEPTH The Seat depth is simple to set by sliding the Seat forwards or backwards. The Seat depth is always optimal, due to the front of the chair not being raised. Seat HEIGHT WEIGHT SETTING The Axia has a weight setting. Thanks to this unique setting, the chair can easily be set to the correct weight of the user. Set the Seat horizontally and then adjust the Seat height so that the upper legs are supported equally. Pagina 2

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