COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER CABLE MANAGEMENT DESIGN In many other workstation systems, cable management is just an afterthought; however, Scenarios has been designed to incorporate a complete cable management solution. so cables are well organised. Interconnecting cable channels have segregated sections for power and data There is an option for cable trays to be lockable to limit access to IT professionals. Shared printers and faxes can be networked with cables concealed within the cabinets. For removable products such as laptops, phone chargers and PDAs, each workstation can also have above desk power, data and USB ports. PRINTER TELEFOON BEELDSCHERM BEELDSCHERM TELEFOON TELEFOON BEELDSCHERM BEELDSCHERM TELEFOON BEELDSCHERM TELEFOON BEELDSCHERM TELEFOON TELEFOON BEELDSCHERM BEELDSCHERM TELEFOON PRINTER Cable entry point Electric power Data Pagina 7

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