MYSCREEN The office environment is changing. Space is becoming static, people are flexible. What remains unchanged is the human need for peace and stability. The arrival of flexi offices and the revival of the open-plan office have only increased this need. In many situations it is enough to have a visual separation from the surroundings to enable people to work individually or in small groups temporarily. However, sometimes it’s very desirable to enable employees to be separated acoustically from their surroundings as well. MyScreen have been specially developed to meet all these needs. MyScreen is available for various purposes: mounted on the desk, as a (double) cubicle or freestanding in space. They can be fabric-covered, made of steel or furnished with a custom-printed design, all with the option of an acoustic filler. The MyScreen engineers have based the development of our screens and panels on three basic principles: acoustics, CSR and personalisation. Pagina 40
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