MARKANT WORKWAYS Workways once again demonstrate Markant’s innovation in the world of offi ces. The new social Seating programme features a complete collection of modular elements that offer endless fl exibility in functionality and confi guration. Increasing implementation of the New World of Work and the emergence of generation Y into the workplace are creating major changes in the offi ces landscape. Fixed work places at traditional desks in kiosk-based offi ces are having to make way for Open Offi ce set-ups with a variety of furniture for work and discussion purposes. Modern offi ces are characterised by a shift towards activity-related work places instead of job-related work places. By supporting all possible activities and functionalities in 1 representative range of furniture, Markant has made it possible to combine uniformity and versatility: the Workways programme has been specifi cally developed to comply with all needs in modern offi ce environments. In principle, Workways is a chair that, via pleasant use of endlessly adjustable elements and the addition of accompanying intelligent components, is able to furnish entire offi ce settings in its own right. Workways is a comprehensive social Seating programme with functionality ranging from a simple waiting Seat to a complete video conferencing room for 10 or more people. The principle behind Workways is simple: Seats are upright or 90º and are all available in 3 height variations. Thanks to the intelligent design, the elements can be endlessly confi gured in any combination. ‘Smart units’ like Smart Box and Go Between can also be easily connected to the Seating elements. This makes it possible to create comprehensive offi ce landscapes where users are able to work, conduct informal discussions and hold meetings. Thanks electricity and data interfaces, as well as compatibility for video conferencing, Workways is a total solution for the offi ces of today. Concentration; communication; working alone, with a colleague or in a team; Workways allows you to create your own work environment. THE OFFICE LANDSCAPE Scan here the QR code with your smartphone in order to go to the website 91005523 05 | 13 Pagina 1
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