PRIVACY Metropolis is perfect for creating back offi ce solutions, where privacy plays a very important role. A visual screen is created by placing frosted glass panels between the work places. MyScreen screens even allow one to create an acoustic partition, which could possibly feature custom prints. ERGONOMICS Metropolis can be adjusted in height between 61 and 85 cm. The height of the table is shown on the leg or, in case of electrical adjustment, on the control panel display. Metropolis fi xed-height confi gurations have, in accordance with European norms, a height of 75 cm IT INTEGRATION Complete IT integration is enabled when Standalone Cabinets are combined with the Metropolis.. Standalone Cabinets provide cable ducts and CPU storage. As a result, electricity and data can be supplied to CPU’s and peripherals that have been placed in or on the cabinets. Pagina 8
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