MARKANT ‘TWENTYFOUR SEVEN’ The furniture in control and dealing rooms is subject to very strict requirements. This is logical because such environments host business-critical processes that cannot be disturbed unnecessarily. In addition, furniture is also exposed to physical loads that are many times higher than those experienced during standard use. Based on 24-hour occupancy, seven days a week, the load on these work places is over four times higher than in a standard 40-hour working week. Over the years, Markant has become a specialist in the supply of 24/7 work places. The technology used to support the work places is based on ‘Markant System Architecture’ (MSA). MSA is a modular frame construction underneath the worktop and is the construction that supports and operates monitors. Thanks to the modularity and fl exibility of MSA, all desks in control and dealing rooms can be constructed in any shape or format. Custom-made solutions thus become a standard feature, thanks to tried and tested technology! Markant supports and oversees the entire process from the concept phase up to the design and delivery of the control/dealing room. The ‘Research and Development’ department at Markant uses the programme of requirements to compile a draft design. A fi nal design is then formulated after mutual consultation and fi ne-tuning with end users, which is supported by technical drawings and photographic rendering. This provides a clear insight into the 24-hour work place that will eventually be delivered. Naturally, besides the specifi cations of work places, the environment in which they will be placed is also taken into consideration. After all, work places are not alone in being subject to strict requirements; high demands are also placed on the people who work in such environments, which means they often have to perform under considerable pressure. Such working conditions require a functional and pleasant environment. NEDERLANDSE SPOORWEGEN Utrecht KNMI De Bilt ELECTRABEL Zwolle MIELE Vianen EUROCONTROL Boedapest SECURITAS Geldrop Scan here the QR code with your smartphone in order to go to the website 05 | 13 Pagina 1
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